Universe is apparently infinite. Experiments reveal that universe is expanding also. Those galaxies that are at higher distance move away from each other at equally higher pace. Further, we can’t predict exactly anything about the universe but can attempt to do so. But our scientists feel that universe originated in a Big Bang i.e. a super strong explosion out of nowhere. Is this theory of Big Bang really true?
Let me compare this materialistic universe with another type of matter that is money.
Can any body say or calculate as to what is the total wealth in this world (earth)?
10 trillion dollar or 1000 trillion dollar? or any other figure. No body knows that but rather we can add up all equities and debts and value of all lands, buildings, metals etc to conclude some figure that is also finite like universe. Though universe appears infinite but must be finite in a hologram like figure. Further, like expanding universe, wealth of world also increases because unless economic conditions are highly unfavorable, interest rates are always positive in the range 5% (risk free rates) to 16%  (personal loans). That means, If wealth of world today is 1000 trillion $ and it increases @ 10% per annum. After 100 years, wealth of world would be 1000*(1+0.10)^100 = 13780612.34 trillion dollar. This does mean that inflation will also increase to such an extent that a cup of tea will cost 1000 rupees instead of 4 rupees. But to adjust this increase in wealth, we will surely replace our currency, say 1000 rupees being substituted by a coin named something new. This way though wealth of world appears to increase from nothing to infinite value like the Big Bang of our universe, in reality it should not be like that. Like stock splits, mergers and acquisitions and other possibilities in the world of money, we can expect similar observations in world of matter that is manifested by supernatural power that created consciousness in this universe.

Author: Prabhat Kumar

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